Monday, October 29, 2007

Giuliani - Again Showing Exquisite Professional Judgment

Displaying characteristic good judgment of the kind that marked his support for Bernie Kerik as Homeland Security chief, Rudy Giuliani is now apparently taking his foreign policy cues from Norman Podhoretz. Podhoretz's views - particularly in regard to Iran - strike me as simply deranged, but read this interview and addendum in the New York Observer and make up your own mind.

For those who upon reading such an interview simply itch for a counter-punch, read Krugman's op-ed today.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Did you read this article about the Podhoretz dynasty at Commentary?


Essentially, some conservatives were pretty upset that Norman could hand over the reigns to such an intellectual lightweight. Give me a break, foolios. Commentary's six monthly readers should realize that it can't be too hard to live up to the intellectual acumen of Podhoretz Sr. and his well-reasoned hatred of brown people.

Maybe Junior can even spice up the joint by bringing a little New York Post flavor...stories about hero dogs, and whatnot.