Thursday, November 1, 2007

Gmail Ads

If I were a political candidate (or anyone with a serious message), I would be wary of advertising through Gmail. The prospect of being able to target select people through keyword matches is surely appealing; unfortunately, any given email seems to call up a wide variety of solicitations.

Thus, today I noticed an "Obama for President" ad sandwiched between advertisements for "Bachelorette Spa Party" and "Retro Wedding Invitations." Evidently Gmail has some peculiar ideas about the kind of people who receive Evite invitations to 23rd birthday parties.

Being in the same column as "New Jersey's party center" is pretty bad; I think the Senator would be better served if his campaign link appeared above this ad, which appeared to me alongside a friend's invitation to attend a Wu-Tang concert.

Most Wanted Grillz.
Bling Yo Mouth.
Try Our Top, Bottom And Combo Sets.

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